Analog Input / Output module consisting of an Analog to Digital Converter and Digital to Analog ADC0809CCN TLC5628CN Converter . So that these modules can be used to convert digital data into analog voltage and vice versa to change the voltage analog to digital data . This module is suitable for applications gauge / temperature controller , motor speed control , robotics , etc. .
specifications :
- 8 -channel 8 - bit Analog to Digital Converter ( ADC ) :
Analog input range 0-5 Volts .
The conversion time of 100 us .
The maximum error + / -1 LSB .
Parallel interface compatible with TTL level .
Can work stand alone .
Available jumper to set the channel address pins in hardware .
- 8 -channel 8 - bit Voltage Output Digital to Analog Converter ( DAC ) :
Range analog output can be programmed 1x or 2x ( 0 to 2.5 Volt or 0-5 Volt )
Settling Time 10 ms .
The maximum linearity error + / -1 LSB .
Serial interface .
- Requires 5 Volt DC power supply .
- There are examples of programs for the DT - 51 and DT Series Low Cost Low - Cost AVR Series in BASIC and C language compiler is using BASCOM - 8051 and mVision2 for MCS- 51 and BASCOM -AVR compiler for AVR and CodeVisionAVR .