SRF04 is a set of ultrasonic transmitter and receiver which is used to measure the distance. The distance measured object can be determined by calculating the time between the moment when transmitting and receiving signals reflected signal.
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Dimensions: 24mm (D) x 20mm (L) x 17mm (T).
- Voltage: 5 VDC
- Consumption current: 30 mA (average), 50 mA (max)
- Frequency Sound: 40 kHz
- Range: 3 cm - 3 m
- Sensitivity: Ability to detect a broom handle 3 cm in diameter at a distance> 2 m
- Input Trigger: 10 mS min. TTL level pulse
- Toll Echo: Positive TTL level signal, width proportional to the distance versus the detected
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Dimensions: 24mm (D) x 20mm (L) x 17mm (T).

- Voltage: 5 VDC
- Consumption current: 30 mA (average), 50 mA (max)
- Frequency Sound: 40 kHz
- Range: 3 cm - 3 m
- Sensitivity: Ability to detect a broom handle 3 cm in diameter at a distance> 2 m
- Input Trigger: 10 mS min. TTL level pulse
- Toll Echo: Positive TTL level signal, width proportional to the distance versus the detected