Tuesday, March 04, 2014

PIC 16F877A-I/P by microchip

16F877A-I/P 8-bit RISC Flash microcontroller Enhanched artificial and included in Microchip PICmicro family.

- Architecture: RISC PIC
- Working voltage: 2.0V - 5.5V
- Program memory size: 8 KB (14-bit Words)
- Volatile data memory size: 368 Bytes Data RAM
- The size of non-volatile data memory: 256 Bytes EEPROM Data
- ADC: 8 Channel 10-bit
- Peripheral: 2 PWM, Analog Comparator 2
- Number of I / O: 33
- Number of external interrupts: 1
- Timer / Counter: Two 8-bit and One 16-bit Timer / Counter
- Speed​​: DC - 200 ns Instruction Cycle
- Working frequency: DC - 20 MHz
- Interface programming: ICSP via Two Pins
- Interface peripherals: USART, SPI, and I2C
- Special features: Power-on Reset, Brown-out Detection
- Packaging: DIP-40