The Memsic 2125 is a low cost, dual-axis thermal accelerometer capable of measuring tilt, acceleration, rotation, and vibration with a range of ±3 g. Many exciting applications for the Memsic Accelerometer may be found in our Smart Sensors & Applications text . 
Features of the Memsic 2125:
• Fully temperature compensated over 0 to 70 °C range
• Analog output of temperature (TOut pin)
• Low current 3.3 or 5 V operation: less than 4 mA at 5 VDC

Features of the Memsic 2125:
• Fully temperature compensated over 0 to 70 °C range
• Analog output of temperature (TOut pin)
• Low current 3.3 or 5 V operation: less than 4 mA at 5 VDC