UltraSonic and InfraRed Ranger Module.
This sensor module can measure distance with ultrasonic wave and can connected with 2 unit (i.e Sharp GP2D12) infrared ranger. This module easily connected to various microcontroller system and need only 1 input/output port. This module widely applicable on distance sensor, automatic door, security, smart robot , etc. Size: 2,6 cm (l) x 4,1 cm (w) x 6,2 cm (h).

-2 kind of Activ interface I2C-bus (fSCL maks. 65 kHz) and pulse width (10µs/mm).
-. 8 modules that use together in I2C-bus system that only need 2 I/O microkontroler port.
-. +5 VDC ,17 mA typ. (without infrared ranger sensor) power supply.
-. 2 operating mode : Full operation and reduced operation. On
reduced operation several ultrasonic ranger component turn off when idle and less current consume only 13mA typ.
-each one ultrasonic ranger with specs:
· Length measure from 2 cm to 300 cm without dead zone or blank spot.
· Object within 0 - 2 cm detected as 2 cm.
· Use Square burst signal 16 Vp-p with 40 kHz frequency.
-. Can interfaceing with max 2 infrared ranger Sharp GP2D12 that can measure 10 - 80 cm.
-. output Data ready for use in mm (for I2C) ,that can reduce microcontroller load.
-. Measurement sensitivity (ranger) is 5mm.
-. Fast measurement cycle, read can do 25 ms (40 Hz rate).
-. Negative pulse TTL input trigger needed (20µs min.) for pulse width interface.
-. 1 pin output sensor available , for sensor activity.
-. No delay time needed for next measurement.
-. Error Compensation can controllable manually for reduce affected temperature and object reflectivity
-. C Program sample available (CodeVisionAVR©) for microkontroler AVR® AT90S2313 and BASIC (BASOM-8051©) for mikrokontroler MCS-51® family.
This sensor module can measure distance with ultrasonic wave and can connected with 2 unit (i.e Sharp GP2D12) infrared ranger. This module easily connected to various microcontroller system and need only 1 input/output port. This module widely applicable on distance sensor, automatic door, security, smart robot , etc. Size: 2,6 cm (l) x 4,1 cm (w) x 6,2 cm (h).

-2 kind of Activ interface I2C-bus (fSCL maks. 65 kHz) and pulse width (10µs/mm).
-. 8 modules that use together in I2C-bus system that only need 2 I/O microkontroler port.
-. +5 VDC ,17 mA typ. (without infrared ranger sensor) power supply.
-. 2 operating mode : Full operation and reduced operation. On
reduced operation several ultrasonic ranger component turn off when idle and less current consume only 13mA typ.
-each one ultrasonic ranger with specs:
· Length measure from 2 cm to 300 cm without dead zone or blank spot.
· Object within 0 - 2 cm detected as 2 cm.
· Use Square burst signal 16 Vp-p with 40 kHz frequency.
-. Can interfaceing with max 2 infrared ranger Sharp GP2D12 that can measure 10 - 80 cm.
-. output Data ready for use in mm (for I2C) ,that can reduce microcontroller load.
-. Measurement sensitivity (ranger) is 5mm.
-. Fast measurement cycle, read can do 25 ms (40 Hz rate).
-. Negative pulse TTL input trigger needed (20µs min.) for pulse width interface.
-. 1 pin output sensor available , for sensor activity.
-. No delay time needed for next measurement.
-. Error Compensation can controllable manually for reduce affected temperature and object reflectivity
-. C Program sample available (CodeVisionAVR©) for microkontroler AVR® AT90S2313 and BASIC (BASOM-8051©) for mikrokontroler MCS-51® family.