Saturday, February 28, 2015

Seeeduino Clio - An Artistic Arduino Compatible Controller

Clio is a complete Arduino compatible microcontroller. The former comparatively rigid PCBs are well transformed and take on a brand new vivid outlook with dynamic artistic and design elements into classic Arduino Leonardo version. If you desire for a unique Arduino , Clio would be a great choice.

It’s well known that the major reason of Arduino’s popularity is that it reduces the difficulty in using hardware. This makes it possible for innovators who have no hardware background to build projects easily. Seeed has been thinking about presenting Arduino to beginners in a more friendly way, so that PCB won’t be prohibitive to them. Hence, an idea that combines arts and Arduino arises spontaneously.
The artistic elements and precise design of Clio are based on the same microcontroller as Arduino Leonardo, the ATmega32u4 chip with 3.3 voltages condition. ATmega32u4 owns 8-bit microprocessor, but the amazing new feature in-build USB Protocol achieves USB serial- communication successfully without ft232! So, you can enjoy a cheaper and more qualified Arduino.

- 3.0V power supply (battery), 5.0V (USB)
- Based microcontroller / microprocessor ATMega32U4
- The number of port i / o 20 I / O
- Port interface USART, SPI, I2C, USB
- Bootloader Arduino
- Micro USB programming port
- Features an artistic design and 3.0V battery socket
- Dimensions 75 x 65mm