Low Cost Nano System uses mikrokontoler ATtiny2313 AVR ISP that has 2 Kbyte Flash program memory, 128 bytes of EEPROM, 128 bytes of internal SRAM.
- Support the AVR ® 20 pin variants include: AT90S1200 and ATtiny2313 (V).
- Have up to 15 pins path input / output.
- Complete with a 4 MHz oscillator and has the ability UART Serial communication RS-232 that has been perfected.
- Complete with a series of reset, manual reset button, and brown-out detector.
- Using the input voltage is 9-12 VDC and has a 5 VDC output voltage.
- On-chip Analog Comparator.
- Programmable Watchdog Timer.
- Full Duplex UART.
- One 8-bit Timer / Counter and a 16-bit Timer / Counter.
- 4 channel PWM.
- On-chip Analog Comparator.
- Universal Serial Interface.
- Internal Oscillator calibrated.