Sonoff TH16 Temperature And Humidity Monitoring WiFi Smart Switch
A wireless temperature and humidity monitoring device which has a relay as a switch that functions to turn on or off an electronic device. With this tool you can control nearby electronic devices based on readable sensor parameters. For example, when the room temperature so many degrees then the relay will be active and turn on the fan or when the humidity of the room is in a condition of so many percent of the relay will off so as to turn off the air conditioner. Configuration on the device you can do at will through an application called eWeLink. The app can be downloaded through the Google Play Store (Android) or App Store (iOS).
This device is compatible with temperature and humidity sensors of type AM2301, DS18B20, and DHT11. These sensors can be purchased separately.
- Input Voltage: 90-250 VAC
- Flow: 10 A / 16 A
- Power: 2200 W (10 A) / 3500 W (16 A)
- Sensors: AM2301, DS18B20, DHT11
- Compatibility: Android and iOS