Monday, October 26, 2015

16A motor/servo driveri shield for arduino nano

For those guys who likes building robots, a small and powerful motor driver could offer great help. And we are always trying to supply this kind of motor drivers. 

So here comes this new driver.

This driver board will makes your Arduino Nano be as a powerful robot controller.

- Single channel 16A max
- A UART interface and two I2C ports breakout
- Supplied plug-in pin servo controller
- Dipertebal copper layer helps in lowering the temperature
- Various optional power input
- The same pin layout with the Arduino Uno
- The compact dimensions 76mm x 61mm
- It could also function as a sensor shield
- Available Arduino library ready

Input voltage:
Motor Voltage Input: 0V - 24V
VIN (or Jack) Input Voltage: 7V - 24V
Servo Voltage Input: 0V - 24V (working current <3a p="">