Thursday, December 13, 2012

DS87C520-MCL High-Speed/Low-Power Microcontroller

DS87C520-MCL High-Speed/Low-Power Microcontroller 

8051 pin- and instruction set-compatible
Four 8-bit I/O ports
Three 16-bit timer/counters
256 bytes scratchpad RAM
16kB On-Chip Program Memory
High-speed architecture: 
4 clocks/machine cycle (compared to 8051 = 12)
DC to 33MHz (DS80C320)
Single-cycle instruction in 121ns
Dual data pointer
Optional variable length MOVX to access fast/slow RAM /peripherals
High-level integration:
Power-fail reset
Programmable watchdog timer
Early-warning power-fail interrupt
Two full-duplex hardware serial ports
13 total interrupt sources with six external

Pin NumberDescription
1-8Port 1 - I/O
9RST - Reset Input
10-17Port 3 - I/O
18XTAL2 - Crystal
19XTAL1 - Crystal
20GND - Ground
21-28Port 2 - I/O
29PSEN - Output
30ALE - Output
31EA - Input
32-39Port 0 - I/O
40Vcc - +5V Supply