The XBP24-Z7WIT-004 module is part of the XBee ZB family which provides ZigBee level interoperability with ZigBee devices from other vendors. This hardware is only compatible with other ZB XBee modules; it is not compatible with the XBee 802.15.4.
How else do the ZB XBee modules differ from 802.15.4? ZB:
Is compatible only with ZB family
Sold by Parallax only in the popular wire antenna format. 802.15.4 is offered with wire antenna or chip antenna.
Slightly longer communication distance: 400 feet and up to two miles line of sight for the 1.25 mW and 60 mW modules respectively
Maximum baud rate is higher at up to 1 Mbps
Slightly lower power consumption than 802.15.4
Two less A/D I/Os and two more digital I/Os than 802.15.4
The most common factor in determining whether to use ZB is the potential need to tie-in with other ZigBee-compatible networks. If this is not a requirement, 802.15.4 may be perfectly suitable for your project. Still having trouble deciding whether to use 802.15.4 or ZB? Take a look at our XBee Comparison Chart.
Because the XBee modules have 2 mm pin spacing, we recommend one of our adapter boards for each module. Our adapter boards provide several advantages to the XBee modules such breadboard-friendly standard 0.1 inch pin spacing, mounting holes, and easy-to-solder connections. Even if you are communicating point-to-point without a PC, we still recommend that you always have at least one XBee USB Adapter Board (# 32400) so you can easily configure and test each XBee module prior to putting it in a point-to-point application.
- Parallax support
- Wire antenna
- Cross-compatibility with other ZB modules
- Low-power sleep modes
- 300 ft (90 m) indoor/urban range and 2 miles (3200 m) outdoor line-of-sight range
- Configured with API or AT commands, local or over the air
- 10 digital I/O and (4) 10-bit ADC inputs
Application Ideas:
- Remote controlled Boe-Bot robot
- Wireless data acquisition
- Remote signal beacon for adventure seekers
- Remote industrial monitoring
- Lighting control
- Keyless entry
Key Specifications:
- 1200 bps – 1 Mbps interface data rate
- 2.4 GHz frequency band (accepted world-wide)
- Industrial temperature rating (-40C to 85C)
- Transmit power 60 mW (+ 18 dBm)
- Supply voltage 2.7-3.6 VDC; transmit current 205 mA; receive current 47 mA
- Power-down current <3.5 uA
- 3.3V CMOS UART interface level