12-bit DAS (Data Acquisition Systems) 2-wire interface.
- Resolution: 12-bit.
- 8 analog input channels.
- 8ksps sampling rate.
- Internal 4.096V / external reference.
- Linearity 1/2 LSB.
- Single supply: +5 VDC.
- Interface: I2C / 2 wire serial interface.
- Software-selectable input range: 0 to + 10V, 0 to + 5V, +/- 10V, or +/- 5V.
- 2 power down modes.
datasheet at https://datasheets.maximintegrated.com/en/ds/MAX127-MAX128B.pdf
- Resolution: 12-bit.
- 8 analog input channels.
- 8ksps sampling rate.
- Internal 4.096V / external reference.
- Linearity 1/2 LSB.
- Single supply: +5 VDC.
- Interface: I2C / 2 wire serial interface.
- Software-selectable input range: 0 to + 10V, 0 to + 5V, +/- 10V, or +/- 5V.
- 2 power down modes.
datasheet at https://datasheets.maximintegrated.com/en/ds/MAX127-MAX128B.pdf