COMBO AVR - 51 Low Cost Nano System is a development tool for AVR microcontrollers Digital ( AVR microcontroller without internal ADC ) and MCS-51 20 - pin DIP . This board has a serial data communication line RS - 232 . This board also supports memory programming In -system Programming ( ISP ) that will facilitate users in performing experiments . Development of this tool is perfect for beginners who will learn and AVR microcontroller MCS - 51 , for example, about the path I / O , interrupt system , the serial communication , etc. .
specifications :
AT89LP2052 -based microcontroller that features :
2 Kbyte flash PEROM .
256 bytes of RAM .
1 machine cycle only takes 1 clock pulse .
- Function input / output ports can be configured as : quasi - bidirectional , input , push- pull output , or an open - drain ( similar to AVR microcontroller ) .
- 15 input / output path .
- SPI with double - buffer .
- 4 -level priority interrupt .
- Support the MCS - 51 variants berkemasan 20 pins , among others : AT89C1051 , AT89C2051 , AT89C2051X2 , AT89C4051 , AT89S2051 , AT89S4051 , and AT89LPx052 .
- Digital berkemasan variant supports 20-pin AVR , among others : AT90 ( L ) S1200 , AT90 ( L ) S2313 , and ATtiny2313 .
- It supports input / output path to 18 -pin microcontroller type that has a 18 pin I / O such as ATtiny2313 .
- Equipped with a manual reset button .
- Equipped crystal 11.0592 MHz crystal on socket , can be replaced with other crystal .
- XTAL pin can be disconnected from the circuit for the crystal can be used as an I / O.
- There are pull-up resistors for port P1.0 and P1.1 on the MCS - 51 microcontroller .
- Dimensions : 7.1 cm x 6.5 cm x 1.9 cm