Robotis Darwin mini
SUPPORTS ANDROID ONLY. iPHONE SUPPORT COMING SOON ROBOTIS DARWIN-MINI is a robot kit with an open source embedded board, semi- permanent li-ion battery and sma .
1. Awarded the 'Good Design' mark
2. Maintains compatibility with the 6mm grid 0110 [ROBOTIS DREAM] frame
3. Applies the small Dynamixel XL-320 for various motion functions
4. Offers the ROBOTIS DARWIN-MINI exclusive App (Touch, Gesture, Voice Recognition, Messenger)
5. Supports various functions for the user's convenience (battery percentage, offset setting, etc)
The DARWIN-MINI application (app] uses Button, Gesture, Voice Recognition, and Messenger control or change movements.
System Requirements to install DARWIN-MINI App.
• OS : AndroiO2.3.3 (Gingerbread) or greater
• Hardware : 1.2GHz Dual Core or greater, RAM 1GB or greater
Once you have completed the assembly, connect your robot [Bluetoothl with your smart device. You do have to download any programs to your robot.
POINT 2. Various Sensor Expansion Capability
ROBOTIS offers a various range of sensors and parts to add onto DARWIN-MINI to accomplish and carry out different missions.
OpenCM9.04 is an open-source embedded board equipped with 4 ports [511 for expansion capability for sensors, LED modules and various parts.
• Programming Environment Support
POINT 1. ROBOT'S DARWIN-MINI APP. Use the DARWIN-MINI App to access the setting for Server/Client, Motion Sound, and files.
POINT 2. R+ Motion Use RoboPlus Motion to add or modify motions.
POINT 3. R+ Task Program your robot using RoboPlus!